Welp. I tried. I tried going over to Tumblr and doing the blog thing over there, but I didn't feel at home. Not anymore at least. Once I started a new account and started moving stuff over there, Tumblr was very quick to start shoving other blogs down my throat every time I got on there. I used to have a Tumblr account waaay back in the day. (well, not that far back, but I guess it seems like that because time moves differently on the internet.)
I'd say I started up one around 2007 or 2008. It wasn't anything awesome. It was just me posting links that I could look at later. It was like a virtual back up brain. Then I also started posting poetry and random pictures of things. It was a place that I would usually visit once a day or so. Reblogging or posting stuff.
I don't know what made me stop doing it. I just got tired of it and stopped posting stuff. Then the SJWs moved in. But that has nothing to do with me.
Warren Ellis keeps telling us to delete our accounts on social media. He keeps saying it, and like all bad habits, it just takes a while to stop doing it sometimes. But upon revisiting Tumblr and moving this blog over there. I felt like nothing ever got read. I felt as though I was just another geek blog that was mediocre.
I think I got away from why I started this. I started this blog for me and no one else. I made this blog because I felt like I had things to say. And I still feel that way. I have all these ideas to write about and so many topics that I would like to share. If you read them, that's cool. If you comment on it, that's cool too. But I guess I started worrying about being never read and that kind of cut my will to keep this place going. But now, I realize that I still love this little corner of the web.
So I am back here and it feels good to back. Like your own side of the bed, or couch or piece of chicken.
I hope to be publishing something soon on here that you might enjoy. It's definitely something I think I should share though.
Sorry to everyone for being so wishy washy.
Hope you are well and I hope to see you all real soon. Now, I have to go over to Facebook and update everything again. bleh.