These songs would be well at home in a late 70’s sci-fi film
It’s almost painful how good these songs are! Paladin is one
of those musician/wizards that you’ll be banging your head up against a wall
yelling, “How have I not heard of this guy?! “ He just comes up out of nowhere
from under our radar and broadsides us with this amazing LP. It’s as if this
guy came through a wound in the time space continuum from an era when Gerry Anderson
ruled the television, space exploration was in its infancies, and set up base
operations in London
in 2016 instead of 1979.
The first track, self titled, “Unknown Zone” is coherent,
detailed, and delves into the realm of nostalgia and cuts the tether from the
space ship and never looks back, and that takes a lot of guts to do.
“Navigator” is a low-key, intricate, tangerine dream
influenced, laced up with a carpenter-esque drum beat and then shifts from an
80’s vibe to 70’s atmospheric without us even seeing it!
“Crisis in Gama Zone” keeping with the sense of urgency, and
intricacy of the other two songs, keeps a smile on our face while we nod to the
music in an opiate like haze. This track meshes seamlessly with the inner
workings of this masterful LP, another fantastic mash up of 70’s and 80’s synth.
It really transforms the listener’s soul into a star craft and Paladin’s music,
the fuel for a very long interstellar trip across the black, fearful void of
out outer space.
Paladin’s LP Unknown Zones, from the label, Per Musica Ad
Astra, is epic in scale, on a galactic level. His stuff is the kind of music
that you really feel in your heart. It’s a rarity today when music can lift us
and also transfer us to an altered state.
Check out his music at the link below!
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