Friday, June 23, 2017

The spark is all I need!

Insert Guitar Wailing sound here!

I got up early yesterday for the unveiling of The Cybertronic Spree's new original song called "Cybertronic Warrior". The song and the video dropped midnight on June 22, 2017. 

If you don’t know who The Cybertronic Spree is,  then you can’t rightly call yourself a Transformers fan or a true Geek. Just saying… But if you are still scratching your head then click this link to go to an interview that I had with them this year!

Rolling over and grabbing my phone my Youtube update said the video was up. I was so excited to hear it! It was like Christmas in..ah..June!  So still in bed, I pressed the play button, anxiously awaiting what would come next.
Steven is the lucky human in the middle. Dangit.

I knew that the video was directed by the mad man that brought us “Manborg” and “The Void”, Steven Kostanski. He’s been all over the place for a while, working steady on big films since 2005, ranging from “Capote”, to “Crimson Peak” and this years remake of Steven King’s “IT”. So I figured what ever was coming would be crazy, but in an awesome way, not a crazy, yelling at vending machines because the ghost of Henry Ford told you that gum inside was a secret key to Jupiter kind of crazy. But I digress….

I clicked on the link and under the video it read.  "Follow The Cybertronic Spree through a dangerous space fortress filled with evil cybernetic life forms hell!" I could dig this immensely!  After pressing play the song started filling my room with this driving rhythm of percussion, bass, and guitar that felt like a bolt of lighting from the matrix of leadership right to my pituitary gland! My pulse raced, my mind lurched violently forward slamming into my skull. I felt like I could win a bare knuckles fight with Grimlock!

Somebody is about to be deadsky!
I could see the Cybertronic Emblem on a massive door that slid open to a large starship coming my way. A giant robot emerges from the ship and within its cranium is the band looking amazingly epic as always! Needlessly to say, I re-watched it countless times before actually getting out of bed. And talk about earworm city! I hummed the song throughout the entire day! This song is just the essence of pure nerd joy! I dare you to listen to it and not get chill bumps! (I counted 4 times during my viewing of this video) 

I couldn't be happier with this song and video. It's got everything a big kid like me needs: autobots and decepticons jamming out, a wicked mysterious robot battling turrets, sentries and the mother of all enemy motherships! So go forth and watch it why don't ya!?

And if you loved the song so much you can't live without it, click this link below and purchase it! 

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