Saturday, September 23, 2017

Stalker's Poem

Hello everyone. Sorry it has taken me so long to do another blog post. I have been busy with life and all that stuff. Also I am going to be reviewing for a website called fanboyfactory, where I will being doing interviews, and reviewing comics, toys and movies as well. So I look forward to it.

A while back someone, whose name escapes me on instragram, re-grammed this person’s beautiful picture of Stalker enjoying some winter kayaking and asked for people to write a poem about it. A poem written by Stalker himself.

@badgerscratch go follow him if you haven’t. He’s got a great eye for photography!

Mind you I kind of quit writing poetry about 3 years ago. And even when I did write poetry, I didn’t share it with anyone. So for some reason or another, I jumped at the chance to write a poem from the perspective of Stalker.

The following is just that. Hope you enjoy.
(It’s a little embarrassing)

Rooted in stasis.
The ground smothered
in snow and ice.
The woodland creatures:
some buried beneath the leaves ad soil,
some in a torpor in hollowed logs
and caves.
They all dream of the day to
come out, to live again.
The most unforgiving
and brutal season of them all,
can still give warmth
to a man's heart.

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