Sunday, December 17, 2017

What happened to Scott Trakker and T-Bob?

So what became of Scott and good ole' T-Bob you have probably asked yourself, never!

Well, fear not! I have been thinking long and hard for all of you that have completely forgotten about Moblie Armored Strike Komand. I just recently discovered that I turn into T-Bob when introduced to vertigo-inducing heights. I just holler/yodel just the little bot who is scared of everything.

Which got me to thinking about Scott. The irritant of the cartoon.I loved all the other members of the M.A.S.K. and V.E.N.O.M., but I never cared for him. As an adult, I understand why his character was in the cartoon but the 1985 version of me, couldn't care less.

Thinking about what he is up to now is something that I never really thought about before. I thought at first that T-Bob would have been turned off and put into storage once Scott hit puberty, or went away to a private school or was an Intern at a mega-corporation as a favor for Matt. But once I thought about it, I realized that Scott would never be school material. He'd be hooked on a drug called "the adventure"!

For unknown reasons, Scott and T-Bob are not present in the second "Racing" Season. Maybe that's when he started money off the patents from T-Bob's A.I. and chasis software, including the "uni-balance wheel system".

Most of the series of M.A.S.K. was about stopping Mayhem from discovering some ancient weapon from some undiscovered locale and that was about it really. Sure there were some other episodes that dealt with stolen tech, but really. The bulk of the show had to do with treasure hunting. So naturally, that would be what Scott would fall into. Since he created T-Bob, you can see that he's a genius level robotics engineer. So you would be thinking that Scott would go on and make his way in the world by starting a robotics company.

Scott Tracker, after reaching adulthood became a treasure hunter. He and T- Bob go off and find hidden treasures, and when he finds them, he posts the findings on his website and museums would have a bid off on who should get the treasure items before anyone else, that is if the countries that he found the treasure in, would allow him to do it. So, yeah. That's what my brain thinks about.
I think T-Bob today would like like Zaborgar. 
Zaborgar in cycle mode

In robot mode.

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