Saturday, March 3, 2018

This means War!

Currently listening to. Volkor X, This Means War!

A truly stellar album from Earths' favorite conqueror.

From the beginning track, "Prelude to war" with its ominous sounds and lead heavy beats that set the atmosphere in this opus, which gives way to "Masked Death" and it's urgent beats and Eerie synth tracks, "Run away" which gets the adrenalin going through the body. "Beacon" becomes a living conduit to the life force of the 80's and post apocalyptic samples from, "The earth abides" reminds us of the long distant paranoia that was the film, "The day after".

"The Bomb" catches us with a great sample from the old film "Attack from Space", and just runs away with our imagination in full force. "Hypersleep", reels us back in and slows our heart rate into an almost torpor, lulling us quietly with slow rhythms and rolling synths in the background. The ending song "This means war", rolls everything up in one punch and that's all it needs, because after this song is over. You'll be floored. Do yourself a favor and go buy this record!

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