Friday, April 14, 2017

Oh, the embarrassment....

When I was young, I used to take all the change that I had (which consisted entirely of pennies. Personally I think pennies multiply by masturbation. You put one in your pocket then two hours later, you got fifty of the suckers) and place them on my bed, I did this during the summer. The nice cool pennies on my skin, made it easier to sleep. One time doing this, I got up and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
My whole body was covered in pennies that were stuck to me like metallic leeches. So I jumped up and down in place to make them fall off, and I had tiny imprints of Lincoln and his memorial all over my body.
One time my mother opened the door to my room while I was de-pennying myself.
That was a hard thing to explain.
Oh, the embarrassment

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